Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography?

Why Boudoir Photography?

Sometimes I find it hard to put into words why I shoot boudoir. To me, It is so much more than photos. It’s about self-acceptance, body neutrality, and pure art. It is about getting glammed up and laughing your booty off. Its about the transformation that takes place between the time you nervously walk into my studio and walk back out that door. It is about feeling beautiful, feeling the way you have always dreamed of feeling. Feeling the way YOU deserve.

woman laying on leather couch in boudoir studio

I started shooting boudoir photography because I saw the toll that it took on women all over the world. I believe I can show any person to see what I see through my art. So many women tell me they could never look “that beautiful” because they feel to tall, weight too much, or have too many stretch marks. I love showing them the photos from their session and proving to them, they CAN feel that beautiful. Seeing my clients reactions to their pictures changed me. When my first ever boudoir client walked out of that door, I knew I had found my passion.

It was now my job to be a mirror for my clients. Not the mirror the world shoves at you, but the one that sees past all of the imperfections and differenced that make us unique. The mirror that shows you how truly beautiful you are. This experience is for everyone including you!

The Transformation

before and after picture of woman who did a boudoir photo shoot

The transformations that take place in my studio is the best part of the entire experience for me. When a woman arrives at my studio most of the time she’s nervous, sometimes even visibly nervous. Shaky hands and voices are things I see all of the time. Once you sit in the chair to get your hair and makeup done, The transformation begins. You slowly start to shed those signs of nervousness and anxiety.

The the photo shoot will start. When I show my clients the back of the camera for the first time. I usually get a “OH MY GOD, that’s me?” “NO WAY! Who is she?” As we continue with the session, the laughter and smiles flow. The something magical happens. I see a complete shift in my client. I see her starting to truly feel sexy and empowered. That’s when the session gets so good and where the most magical images are created.

By the time the session is finished and we begin the SAME DAY image reveal, we’re friends. We’ve just shared an experience they you will always remember. We’ve laughed, shared stories about our lives, maybe ever cried a little.

Once I show you your images on the full screen tv, your jaw will drop. You will see yourself like you never have before. This is one of the most amazing things about boudoir photography. I get a chance to show you exactly how your partner and loved ones see you. I get to be your mirror. When you walk out of that door, your smile will be so big. You cant wait to tell your friend about your experience and share your album and all your beautiful photos from the best experience you’ve had in so long. Click here to see the full gallery.

woman wearing black lingerie on leather couch holding her hair

A Little Piece of My Story…

I didn’t quite grasp the gravity of what I was accomplishing for women until 2015. I had just had my first baby and divorced my partner at the time. I was a single mom that felt completely drained and just not myself. I felt like I was living someone else’s life. I had spent so long taking care of other people , here I was years later with not knowing how to care for myself. Not only was I newly postpartum and feeling uncomfortable in my new mom body. I had just left a toxic relationship that left me feeling like I was truly unlovable. Even more so now that I was a single mom. My story is so familiar with many women I have had the pleasure of meeting. Whether we share the same divorce story or can relate to each other because motherhood is one hell of a job. Maybe we share the struggles of single parenting and having to put our wants and dreams on holds for another. When I found boudoir I was in a dark place in my life but man helping other women transform and see themselves in a different light. It changed everything for me.

woman wearing red lacey lingerie with back against a mirror

Yup! That’s me at my boudoir shoot!

That’s me having the courage to step in front of the camera even with my mommy tummy and my scars and stretchmarks. Even with no partner to give these images to. I stepped in front of that camera for MYSELF! Just like all of the women I have helped, I wanted to be the mirror I needed. I wanted to be proud of MY body . I wanted to celebrate every struggle and trial I have gone through to get to this point in my life.

For me boudoir is a freaking celebration of your body and who you truly are. I take pride in being able to help show women of all stages and walks of life how to love and celebrate themselves. How to celebrate their battles and their voices and accomplishments and all of the stuff they have been through .

Let me be your mirror. Let me help remind you of who you truly are!

Interested in booking your boudoir experience with me?


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